Financial Advisors: Should your clients claim Social Security at age 62?

Is Claiming Social Security at 62 the Right Move? Here’s What Every Advisor Needs to Know

In this short video, Brian Doherty—award winning author, Social Security expert, and seasoned advisor—dives into the pros and cons of claiming Social Security benefits at age 62. With over 35 years of experience in Financial Services, and the last 14 years of which have been devoted exclusively to Social Security, and having presented to over 75,000 financial advisors, Brian shares invaluable insights that will help you advise your clients on when they should claim their Social Security benefits.

  • Learn about one of the 4 Things your clients should know about Social Security before they claim their benefits, and how this one thing could impact your client’s decision on when they should claim their benefits.
  • How your clients still benefit from Social Security’s COLA feature even when they are delaying claiming their benefits to an older age.
  • The Power of Compounding: See real-life examples of how delaying benefits by just two years can result in a compounded increase of over 30% in Social Security income—locked in for life.
  • A Strategic Decision: Learn why even a short delay in claiming Social Security can provide one of the best risk-free, guaranteed returns available in today’s low-interest-rate environment.

Before your clients decide to claim their Social Security benefits at age 62, ensure they understand the powerful advantages of waiting—even if only for a year or two. The increase in their monthly income could be substantial, providing them with greater financial security throughout their retirement.

Watch for our next video in which we’ll reveal the one thing you should never tell your clients when it comes to claiming Social Security. Telling them to do this could cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost Social Security benefits. Watch our next video and make sure you never tell your clients to do this.