How to Access the Claim with Confidence Calculator

Need help accessing the Claim with Confidence Calculator? This support article will help with registering for an account on our calculator platform, located on

I recently purchased but have not activated or registered my account on (the Claim with Confidence Calculator)

You should have gotten an email from us with the subject "Thank you for your purchase!" In this email, there's a link in the button that displays "Use the Calculator Now!"

Click this link to register your account.

Note: You must have already purchased access to the Claim with Confidence Calculator, and you must use the same email address you purchased with to register/login to the platform.

Once on (the Claim with Confidence Calculator), you need to enter your email address (this is your username, and must match the email address you purchased the Calculator with). 

You'll then need to set a new password for this account (twice). 

Click Save and Continue

I need help logging in

Go here to login to (the Claim with Confidence Calculator) 

I forgot my password

To reset your password, click this link.

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