How Free Social Security Benefit Calculators Can Cost You Big!
Just because something is free, doesn't mean you should use it. Especially if you're making one of the most important financial decisions in your life. In fact, using a free Social Security Benefit calculator could end up costing you a lot of money. It could cost you tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost Social Security income. Using one of the free Social Security Benefit calculators could be one of the most expensive decisions you ever make.
You may think I exaggerated the potential risk of using a free Social Security Benefits Calculator, but I did not. I strongly believe that my calculator is the best one available today. When comparing the Claim With Confidence Social Security Calculator to any of the available free calculators, it isn’t even close -- our calculator is head and shoulders above them all.
If you don’t agree, just let me know. I will send you back more money than you paid to purchase it! It's the "30 – Day More Than Money Back Guarantee". At the end of the article I explain exactly how it works. I know you may be skeptical, but there are no conditions and no gimmicks.
Free Social Security Benefit Calculators Don't Use the Right Info
A number of the free calculators only ask for a few pieces of information. SUch as your date of birth and your most recent year of earnings, for example. Based on that information, the calculator will estimate your Social Security benefit at every age from 62 to age 70. The big problem is that their estimate can be way off.
In order to calculate your benefit, Social Security uses a formula. This formula uses your highest 35 wage earning years. While most free calculators only use one year, your most recent year of earnings. Do you see how that can be a problem, and why their estimate of your benefit can be completely incorrect?
Our Claim With Confidence Social Security Benefit Calculator doesn’t ask for your latest year of earnings. It does ask for your marital status, date of birth, and your Social Security Full Retirement Age benefit amount, which you can get right from your own Social Security benefit statement. You can get online access to your Social Security benefit statement by going to the Social Security website at: www.ssa.gov and setting up your own account. It only takes a few minutes.
Instead of estimating you benefit, why not go right to the source, and get the your exact benefit amount? Our Claim With Confidence Social Security Calculator uses your exact benefit amount to show you all of your claiming options. The free Social Security calculators do not do that.
Free Calculators Don't Show the Correct Amount of Benefits You Would Receive
None of the free calculators show how your actual benefit amount will be substantially bigger than the amounts that appear on your Social Security benefit statement.
You read that right. Your actual monthly benefit amount, when you claim it, will be bigger than what is shown on your statement. Don’t you think it would be very important to know? Especially before you decide what age to claim your benefit. None of the free Social Security calculators show you your true bigger benefit amount -- but my Claim With Confidence Social Security calculator will. You should know your true benefit amounts before you decide to start receiving your Social Security.
Know Your Breakeven Age
Most of the free Social Security Benefit calculators do not calculate your Breakeven Age, and the few that do, calculate it incorrectly.
If you are thinking of claiming your benefits older than age 62, wouldn’t it be nice to know how long you will have to make up for all of the money you did not receive? Don’t count on a free Social Security Calculator to show the Breakeven Age.
The few free calculators that do calculate the Breakeven Age, they calculate it as too old. This is because they use the benefit amounts on your Social Security statement. Now you know that those benefit amounts are too low, and your actual benefit amounts are going to be substantially bigger.
If they used your much bigger actual benefit amounts, your Breakeven Age would be at a younger age. This may make it more beneficial to claim a bigger benefit at an older age, instead of claiming a smaller benefit at age 62. You should know your correct Breakeven Age and you can’t get that by using a free calculator.
See How Your Benefits Will Grow Over Time
The majority of the free calculators do not illustrate how your monthly benefit is going to grow over time.
If you claim a monthly benefit of $2,500 at age 67, according to their charts, 20 years later, you will still be receiving a monthly benefit of $2,500. But that is not how it works.
Social Security has one of the best inflation hedges around. This is called the 'Cost of Living Adjustment' or COLA for short. Social Security’s COLA feature will increase your benefit every year with the rate of inflation. Even with a low rate of annual COLA increases of 3%, your benefit will grow substantially over the years.
Many of the free calculators don’t assume any annual COLA increases, and show no growth in the size of your benefit.
For example: on free calculators, if you start with a monthly benefit of $2,500 at age 67, 20 years later it shows you still receiving the same amount.
But with my Claim With Confidence Social Security Calculator, you can assume an annual COLA increase that ranges from 0% - 5%. If you assume an annual COLA increase of only 3%, 20 years later, your $2,500 monthly benefit has grown to $4,515. Isn’t it important to know that even with a relatively low annual COLA increase of 3%, your monthly Social Security income will almost double and you will be receiving $54,188 for the year instead of only $30,000.
What Else can the Claim with Confidence Calculator Do Better than Free Social Security Calculators?
Here are a few other things that our Claim With Confidence Social Security Calculator will show you that most free Social Security Calculators won’t:
- If a married or divorced spouse is qualified to receive a Spousal Benefit, it will show you the different options you have in claiming the Spousal Benefit and how you can receive the biggest Spousal Benefit possible.
- If you are a married couple, our Claim With Confidence Social Security Calculator will show you how to get the biggest Survivor Benefit possible. This is very important if you are a married woman, because women live longer than men. Husbands overwhelmingly predecease their wives, and when that happens, the only benefit the surviving wife will receive is the Survivor Benefit. Did you know that 95% of the Survivor Benefit checks every month are sent to women? So, it is important that you know how to make that benefit as big as possible.
- Our Claim With Confidence Social Security Calculator will show you the cumulative total of Social Security income you will receive over time. Like how much you will receive at age 80, 85, 90 or even age 95 if you live that long. This is very important if you want to compare claiming your benefits at different ages. Most free calculators will not allow you to do that, but the Claim With Confidence Calculator will.
30 – Day More Than Money Back Guarantee
Buy my Claim With Confidence Social Security Benefit Calculator for only $67.95. It comes with a 30 – Day More Than Money Back Guarantee.
Compare features of my Claim With Confidence Social Security Calculator to one or several of the free calculators. If in the first 30 days you don’t think the Claim With Confidence Social Security Calculator is far superior, I will send you $100.00 back.
You read that correctly. We will send your $67.95 back plus an additional $32.05 for your trouble, for a total of $100.00.
That is how confident I am. Buy the calculator for $67.95, if you don’t like it, let me know within 30 days and I will send you $100 back.
Get your Social Security Calculator today!
You can get free advice from a free Social Security Calculator, but you know what they say, “you get what you pay for”.
When to claim you Social Security benefits will be one of the most important financial decisions you will make in your lifetime. You want to be confident you've made the right choice.
Don't use a free Social Security calculator and risk not being aware of every claiming option. Youo could be losing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars in cumulative Social Security income over your retirement lifetime.
Click this link now to purchase your own Claim With Confidence Social Security Calculator now!